Can Coconut Oil Cure My Hair Loss?

Can Coconut Oil Cure My Hair Loss?

Coconut oil has many benefits for hair, however, it will not cure the mechanism of baldness. Coconut oil does a great job of conditioning the scalp and contains many nutrients that help the hair to grow thicker, stronger, and faster. It is a great thing to use to improve hair and scalp health. However, the process for thinning hair is based on androgens, or hormones, in the body and coconut oil does not help to stop the effect of these hormones. Therefore, it can definitely help your hair in the short term, but over the long haul, your hair will continue to thin and fall out.
In an industry that has increasingly lost its way, we are turning the focus first and foremost back to the customer. We guarantee that you will be the sole focus of our entire team the day of the surgery, with no one running room to room like at other companies.

As the highest rated hair transplant company in Chicago, we encourage you to price shop around. We are confident that when the research is finished, the choice will be easy. If you’re ready to get going, you can schedule a free consultation here.

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