
Whether you’ve experienced hair loss due to genetics, hormonal shifts, or certain medical conditions, finding the perfect solution is of utmost importance.

Unfortunately, not everyone is a suitable hair transplant candidate, but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost.

Coming up, we explore the qualities you need to be aware of to see if you should pursue a hair transplant procedure.

So if you’re ready to regain your confidence and achieve natural-looking results, stick with us… we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Who is a good candidate for hair transplant surgery?

We’re about to go into specifics of who exactly can consider themselves a candidate for hair restoration and hair growth treatments.

However, before we potentially confuse you with the specifics (because you still might not be sure if they apply to you), don’t hesitate to contact us at (847)410-9748 or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

If you’re more of a reader than a talker, that’s ok. We have a wealth of information for you on who are good candidates for hair transplantation

So, what makes a good hair transplant candidate?

A candidate for hair transplant

When it comes to determining if you are an ideal candidate for a hair transplant, several factors to be considered before taking a life-changing decision.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors and how they can impact your suitability for hair restoration surgery:


Younger individuals who are experiencing early-stage hair loss may not be the best candidates since the female or male pattern baldness may not be fully established. Generally, it’s recommended to wait until hair loss stabilizes before considering a hair restoration procedure.

This is since hair loss in younger individuals can be due to various factors, such as genetics, hormonal imbalances, hair products, diet, and more. With this in mind, hair loss may stabilize and even reverse itself without intervention.

By waiting until the hair loss stabilizes, it allows for a better understanding of the extent of the hair loss and whether it is likely to progress further. This will allow our team to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

Additionally, hair loss in younger individuals may have a different pattern compared to older individuals. It is important to understand the specific characteristics of the hair loss before deciding on a treatment approach.

Hair Density

Existing hair found at the back of the head or sides of the scalp is important, as it will serve as the donor’s hair. Candidates with good hair density in this area have more hair follicles available for transplantation, which allows the best results for the balding areas.

The hair at the back of the head or sides of the scalp is considered the “permanent zone” because it is genetically resistant to baldness. This means that even in individuals with severe hair loss, these areas tend to retain their hair.

Therefore, during a hair transplant procedure, hair follicles are typically harvested from these areas and transplanted to the balding areas of the scalp.

Hair Thickness

Hair that has thicker shafts tends to provide better coverage and fullness compared to thinner hair. However, even individuals with thin hair can achieve satisfactory cosmetic results with careful planning and the expertise of experienced surgeons.

If this is you, it’s best to get in touch with us so we can assess your hair’s specific thickness and confirm for you.

Be aware that thicker hair shafts occupy more space on the scalp, making it appear denser and providing better coverage. In contrast, thinner hair shafts leave more gaps on the scalp, resulting in less coverage and a more sparse look.

However, it is important to note that even individuals with thin hair can achieve satisfactory cosmetic results with proper planning and the expertise of experienced surgeons.

Hair transplantation procedures, for example, can help individuals with thin hair by redistributing hair follicles from areas with good hair growth to areas with thinning or balding areas.

At our Chicago FUE center, we carefully extract hair follicles from the donor area (an area with thicker hair), which is known as follicular unit extraction, and transplant to the recipient area—an area with thinning hair. This procedure can provide thicker hair coverage and improve the fullness of the hair in the recipient area.

Hair Loss Stability

By waiting until hair loss stabilizes, our surgeons can ensure that the transplanted hair will blend seamlessly with the existing hair and provide a natural-looking result. If the hair loss continues, it can lead to an imbalance between the transplanted and non-transplanted areas, resulting in an unsatisfactory outcome.

Additionally, hair loss progression may require further surgeries to maintain a consistent appearance, which can be costly and time-consuming. Therefore, waiting until the hair loss stabilizes ensures that the patient is making an informed decision and maximizing the chances of achieving satisfactory results. 

Hair Color

The success of a hair transplantation surgery depends on the contrast between the color of the hair and the color of the scalp.

Candidates with darker hair colors typically have an advantage in terms of contrast. The contrast between dark hair and a light scalp makes the transplanted hair appear more natural. This is because the skin color between the transplanted hair follicles is less noticeable, creating a seamless look.

On the other hand, individuals with lighter hair colors may face some challenges in achieving the same level of contrast. Light hair against a light scalp can result in more visible gaps between the transplanted hair, making the procedure more apparent.

However, that doesn’t mean individuals with lighter hair colors can’t have successful outcomes, but there’s a reason why an African American hair transplant is popular.

No matter your hair color, proper planning and customization of the procedure is always going to be key. We’ll work with you to develop a personalized approach that takes into account your hair color, scalp color, and desired outcome.

Hair Texture

If you have thin or straight hair, you may require a higher density of transplanted hair to achieve the desired fullness.

Conversely, if you have coarse or wavy hair, you’ll likely get good coverage with fewer grafts due to the natural volume of their hair. This is because thin or straight hair tends to lie flat on the scalp, making it appear sparser.

Scalp Laxity

A more flexible scalp allows for more efficient harvesting and placement of grafts. When the scalp is loose, it can easily be stretched and manipulated during the transplant procedure. This makes it easier for the surgeon to access the donor area and extract the necessary number of grafts without causing excessive tension or damage to the surrounding tissue.

Additionally, a flexible scalp provides better blood circulation to the transplanted grafts, promoting their survival and growth. It also allows for more precise placement of the grafts, ensuring a natural and aesthetic result.

On the other hand, a tight scalp can make the transplant procedure more challenging. It may require more effort to extract the grafts, which can increase the risk of transection (cutting of the graft). It may also limit the number of grafts that can be safely harvested, reducing the overall success of the transplant.

To assess your scalp’s looseness, our surgeons commonly perform a scalp laxity test, which involves stretching the scalp in different directions. This helps determine the suitable technique and approach to be used during the transplant procedure.

In cases where the scalp is too tight, additional measures may be taken to enhance scalp laxity, such as preoperative scalp stretching exercises or tissue expansion techniques.


Individuals of African or Afro-Caribbean descent, for example, may have unique hair characteristics that require specialized techniques for optimal results. These hair characteristics include natural curl patterns, density, and texture.

One important characteristic of this hair type is its tendency to be more fragile and prone to breakage. This is due to the unique structure of the hair strands, which are typically thicker and have a more elliptical shape compared to other hair types.

As a result, specialized techniques are required to handle and style this type of hair to minimize damage and maximize growth.

Another characteristic is the presence of natural curl patterns, ranging from loose curls to tight coils. These curls can be beautiful but can also present challenges when it comes to styling and maintenance to ensure healthy hair growth.

Additionally, the density and texture of African or Afro-Caribbean hair may require different methods for achieving certain hairstyles. For example, protective styles like braids, twists, or extensions are commonly used to minimize manipulation and reduce the risk of breakage.

However, we see a lot of individuals that either don’t know how to look after their hair properly or simply don’t have the energy or time, which is totally understandable.

That’s where our expert team can step in and assist you in achieving a revitalized hair pattern and restoring your confidence.

Overall Health and Lifestyle

Good candidates for a hair transplant should be in good overall health to undergo the procedure safely, and there are certain factors/influences to avoid:

  • Smoking can be detrimental to the healing process after a hair transplant because it restricts blood flow to the scalp, which is essential for proper healing.
  • Nicotine also constricts blood vessels, reducing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the transplanted hair follicles, so avoid nicotine patches
  • Blood thinners and immunosuppressants may interfere with the body’s ability to heal properly and increase the risk of complications during and after the transplant.

It’s crucial to discuss all medications and existing conditions with your hair transplant surgeon to determine if any adjustments need to be made prior to the surgery. Underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or untreated hypertension, can also impact the healing process and overall safety of the procedure.

Find out if you are a good hair transplant candidate with a free consultation

Take the first step towards restoring your hair!

Call us at (847)410-9748 or use the contact form below to schedule your appointment. Don’t let hair loss hold you back any longer – book your consultation today!

Key takeaways on good hair transplant candidates

Generally, good candidates for hair surgery typically have predictable and progressive hair loss, along with a stable donor area that has healthy hair follicles that continue to grow well.

It’s important to openly discuss expectations with the surgeon. Having enough donor hair is beneficial for a successful transplantation and this procedure can significantly improve hair density and appearance, but always keep in mind that it will not fully restore the original hairline or completely reverse the type of hair loss. Realistic expectations are key to satisfaction with the results.

Individual factors, such as scalp tightness, hair density, thickness, color, and texture, can influence the outcome of a hair transplant.

Nonetheless, racial considerations should be taken into account, as variations in hair characteristics may require customization of the transplant techniques. By taking these factors, the transplant can be tailored to meet each individual’s unique needs.

Most of all, full disclosure of medical history during the consultation helps ensure a safe procedure. Consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon is a key step in evaluating suitability and planning for optimal results.


Can anyone get a hair transplant?

While can get a hair transplant in theory, it doesn’t mean everyone is suited to one. It’s essential to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine if you’re a suitable candidate based on hair type, hair loss extent, the availability of donor hair, and overall health.

Who is not a good candidate for hair transplant surgery?

Those with diffuse hair loss, inadequate donor hair supply, or underlying medical conditions might not be good candidates for hair transplant surgery. It’s important to have a comprehensive consultation with a surgeon to evaluate your circumstances and determine the best course of treatment for you.